Glossary W

workload refers to the amount of attention -demanding effort imposed on a person

Workplace Ergonomics Program refers to a program that may be instituted by a corporation or organization as a service to employees.

Workplace Violence refers to "physical misbehavior between co-workers, stemming from arguments to murder"

English: Workplace Well-being / Deutsch: Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz / Español: Bienestar en el lugar de trabajo / Português: Bem-estar no Local de Trabalho / Français: Bien-être au travail / Italiano: Benessere sul luogo di lavoro

In the psychology context, Workplace Well-being refers to the holistic health of individuals within their work environment, encompassing physical, emotional, mental, and social aspects. It involves creating a supportive and healthy work setting that promotes employees' overall health, satisfaction, engagement, and productivity. Workplace well-being is influenced by various factors, including job design, organizational culture, leadership styles, work-life balance, and access to resources and support for mental health.

Workstation refers to the area where a worker completes tasks or jobs. May be an office, a desk, or other workspace. More than one type of work may happen at a single workstation.

World-design (Weltanschauung) Binswanger's term for a person's basic orientation toward the world and life.

worldview is a way of making meaning of the relationships, situations, and objects encountered in daily life in a culture. It is the view of the world relative to an ego. The ego uses a worldview to explain and assimilate experience.

Worms can be defined as a computer virus