Glossary W

Workstation refers to the area where a worker completes tasks or jobs. May be an office, a desk, or other workspace. More than one type of work may happen at a single workstation.

World-design (Weltanschauung) Binswanger's term for a person's basic orientation toward the world and life.

worldview is a way of making meaning of the relationships, situations, and objects encountered in daily life in a culture. It is the view of the world relative to an ego. The ego uses a worldview to explain and assimilate experience.

Worms can be defined as a computer virus

Worst-Case Scenario refers to the most awful situation humans can possibly imagine. Thinking worst-case helps people stay a bit more balanced, because they realize that the situation could be much worse than it actually is. This is the origin of the standard coaches' phrase following losses, "Well, the sun will still come up tomorrow." Which it will. If it did not shine, they there is a true "worst case".

Worthlessness in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, Recommendations, and Related Concepts

Worthlessness is a profound and distressing emotional state often encountered in the realm of psychology. It's a perception of oneself as devoid of value, significance, or importance. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning of worthlessness in the psychology context, provide numerous examples to illustrate its psychological impact, offer recommendations for addressing and healing from these feelings, and discuss related concepts that contribute to a deeper understanding of worthlessness.

Wowser refers to a person who is regarded as excessively puritanical; a killjoy.

Wrist flexion refers to a posture where the hand and the wrist are curved downward. Wrist flexion creates friction and tendon stress, leading to fatigue and injury.

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