Glossary A

Authoritative-reciprocal pattern refers to a pattern of child rearing in which parents exercise considerable power but also respond to the child's point of view and reasonable demands.

Authoritism refers to ritualism that can occur during Erikson’s seventh stage of development.

Deutsch: Autorität / Español: Autoridad / Português: Autoridade / Français: Autorité / Italiano: Autorità /

"Authority" typically refers to a perceived or real position of power or influence that an individual or entity holds over others. Authority can play a significant role in various psychological phenomena, from social influence and obedience to the impact of authority figures on behavior and decision-making.

Authority relations refer to all the hierarchical relationships that give one person decision-making authority and supervisory control over another.

Autism refers to a severe pervasive developmental disorder characterized by profound problems in social interaction, communication, and stereotyped behaviour, interests, and activities.

Autistic in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, Recommendations, and Support

Autistic is a term used in the psychology and neurodiversity context to describe individuals who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning of being autistic, provide examples to illustrate the diverse experiences of autistic individuals, offer recommendations for supporting and empowering them, and discuss related concepts that shed light on autism and neurodiversity.

Autistic aloneness refers to a term proposed by Leo Kanner in his description of autistic children, referring to one of the central symptoms of the disorder, namely, the profound separation and disconnection of autistic individuals from other people.

Autistic disorder refers to a severe childhood disorder characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction and/or communication; restricted, stereotyped interest and activities; and delays or abnormal functioning in a major area before the age of three.