Glossary A

Deutsch: Akteur-Beobachter-Verzerrung / Español: Sesgo del actor-observador / Português: Viés do ator-observador / Français: Biais acteur-observateur / Italiano: Bias dell'attore-osservatore

Actor/observer bias refers to the tendency for actors to make external attributions and observers to make internal attributions. Actor/observer bias, moreover is the tendency to attribute the behavior of others to internal causes while attributing one's own behavior to external causes such as situations and circumstances

Actual Self refers to a Conception of the Self describing our perception of how we really are.

Actualization in the Psychology Context: Unleashing Human Potential and Fulfillment

In psychology, actualization represents a profound and multifaceted concept that refers to the realization of one's fullest potential, personal growth, and the pursuit of self-fulfillment. It is a central theme in humanistic psychology, often associated with Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Carl Rogers' person-centered approach. Actualization encompasses the idea that individuals strive to become the best versions of themselves, continuously evolving and self-fulfilling. Understanding actualization in the psychology context is essential because it offers insights into the drivers of human behavior, well-being, and personal development. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of actualization in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for facilitating personal growth, discuss treatment approaches for related challenges, and list some similar concepts within the field of psychology.

Actualization tendency refers to the basic human motivation to actualize, maintain, and enhance the self.

An Actualizer in the field of psychology refers to an individual who consistently strives to realize their full potential and achieve self-fulfillment. This concept is closely associated with Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization, which posits that humans have an innate drive to become the best version of themselves. The term Actualizer embodies the idea of personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of one's unique talents and capabilities.

Actualizing tendency refers to the innate tendency in all humans to maintain and enhance themselves.

Actuarial interpretation refers to the analysis of test results based on an explicit set of rules derived from empirical research.

Actuarial judgements refer to diagnoses of mental disorders or predictions of future behaviour based on numerical formulas derived from analyses of prior outcomes.