Aggressive refers to a person predisposed to hostility. It also means the hostile act itself.

In the psychology context, aggressive behavior refers to behavior that is intended to harm or injure another person or animal, or to damage property. Aggressive behavior can take many forms, including physical aggression (e.g. hitting, kicking, biting), verbal aggression (e.g. yelling, threatening, insulting), and indirect aggression (e.g. spreading rumors, excluding others).

Aggressive behavior is often driven by negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, or resentment, and it can be triggered by a variety of factors, including personal, social, and environmental factors. Aggressive behavior can have serious consequences for the individual who engages in it, as well as for the individuals who are targeted by it, and it can lead to conflicts, injuries, and other negative outcomes.

Examples of aggressive behavior in the psychology context include:

  • Physical altercations or fights
  • Bullying or harassing others
  • Throwing objects or destroying property
  • Making threats or issuing ultimatums

Psychologists and other mental health professionals often study and work to address aggressive behavior in order to promote healthy and positive interpersonal relationships and to reduce the negative impacts of aggression on individuals and society.