Behaviorism refers to a school of psychology which maintains that to understand human behavior, one need only consider the reinforcing properties of the environment-that is, how positive and negative events in the environment are associated with specific behaviors. School of psychological thought founded by John B. Watson that regards only measurable and observable behavior as the appropriate subject matter for human psychology.
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Behaviorism refers to the field of psychology that flourished in the middle part of the twentieth century in the United States. Attempted to explain all behavior through effect of the environmental contingencies of reward and punishment.
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Behaviorism refers to the explanation of human behavior, including dysfunction, based on principles of learning and Adaptation derived from experimental psychology.
Other /More definition:
Behaviorism refers to the field of psychology that flourished in the middle part of the twentieth century in the United States. Attempted to explain all behavior through effect of the environmental contingencies of reward and punishment.