Glossary C

Cultural defense refers to a defense to a criminal charge in which the defendant's culture is taken into account in judging his or her culpability.

Deutsch: Kultureller Determinismus / Español: Determinismo Cultural / Português: Determinismo Cultural / Français: Déterminisme Culturel / Italiano: Determinismo Culturale /

Cultural determinism is the theoretical concept that culture shapes individual experience.

Cultural deviance theories refer to theories positing that crime results from cultural values which permit, or even demand, behavior in violation of the law.

Cultural differences refer to distinctive features arising from a unified set of values, ideas, beliefs, and standards of behavior shared by a group of people

Cultural distance refers to the amount of perceived similarity/dissimilarity between two cultures

Cultural diversity refers to the wide range of cultural groups that make up the Australian population and Australian communities.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) refers to humans capability to grow personally through continuous learning and good understanding of diverse cultural heritage, wisdom and values, and to deal effectively with people from different cultural background and understanding.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) refers to humans capability to grow personally through continuous learning and good understanding of diverse cultural heritage, wisdom and values, and to deal eff