Convert communicators refer to people perceived as credible sources because they are arguing against their own previously held attitudes and behaviors.

In psychology, convert communicators refer to people who are perceived as credible sources of information because they are seen as having undergone a significant change in their attitudes or behaviors. This change may be related to a particular issue or topic, and it may involve the person publicly expressing views that are opposed to their previously held beliefs or actions.

Convert communicators may be seen as particularly persuasive because they are perceived as having "been there" and as having firsthand experience with the issue or topic in question. Their credibility may be enhanced by the fact that they have gone through a process of change and have publicly acknowledged and expressed this change.

In some cases, convert communicators may be more effective at persuading others to change their attitudes or behaviors because they are seen as having "walked the walk" and as being more authentic or genuine in their beliefs. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of convert communicators can vary depending on the context and the specific audience they are trying to influence.

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