Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) refers to the treatment focused on changing negative patterns of thinking and solving concrete problems through brief sessions in which a therapist helps a client challenge negative thoughts, consider alternative perspectives, and take effective actions.

CBT is the acronym of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which refers to a type of therapy that helps people with depression to identify and change inaccurate perceptions that they may have of themselves and the world around them. The therapist helps the patient establish new ways of thinking by directing attention to both the "wrong" and "right" assumptions they make about themselves and others. Patients who experience the following is recommended to undergo Cognitive behavioral therapy :

1. Patients who think and behave in ways that trigger and perpetuate depression.

2. Patients who think and behave in ways that trigger and perpetuate depression.

3. Patients, of all ages, who have depression that causes suffering, disability , or interpersonal problems.

It is a type of therapy that aims to develop beliefs, attitudes , thoughts, and skills to make positive changes in behavior.

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