Competition for resources is defined as a cause of conflict that occurs when the demand for resources is greater than the resources available.

In the psychology context, competition for resources refers to the concept that individuals or groups may engage in conflict or competition to obtain limited resources such as food, water, shelter, and social status. This competition can arise due to the natural scarcity of resources, as well as social factors such as inequality, discrimination, and prejudice.

Here are some examples of competition for resources:

  • In the animal kingdom, different species may compete for food, water, and territory in order to ensure their survival and reproduction.
  • In human societies, individuals may compete for jobs, promotions, and resources such as money and material possessions.
  • In sports, teams compete for victory and recognition, which can lead to conflicts and rivalries between players and fans.
  • In relationships, partners may compete for attention, affection, and resources such as time and emotional support.
  • In academic settings, students may compete for grades, scholarships, and admission to prestigious institutions.

Competition for resources can have both positive and negative effects on individuals and societies. On one hand, competition can promote innovation, creativity, and motivation to succeed. On the other hand, it can also lead to stress, anxiety, and conflict, and can exacerbate existing social inequalities and power imbalances. Understanding the dynamics of competition for resources is an important area of study in social and evolutionary psychology.

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