Glossary D

Delayering is the removal of middle layers of management resulting in a 'flatter' management organisation.

Deletion refers to a speech error in which something is left out. In the study of Sensation and Perception, Deletion refers to a cue that provides information about the relative depth of two (2) surfaces. Deletion occurs when a farther object is covered by a nearer object due to sideways movement of an observer relative to the objects. Please see also Accretion.

Delimiting observations is a term used especially in naturalistic observation that refers to the necessity to limit or choose the classes of behaviors to be observed.

Delirium refers to a cognitive disorder that is acute and usually transient characterized by disorientation, confusion, deficits in memory and Language and memory loss. It is likewis

Delirium tremens refer to a condition induced by alcohol withdrawal and characterized by excessive trembling, sweating, anxiety, and hallucinations
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Delirium tremens or DTs refer to symptoms that result during severe alcohol withdrawal, including hallucinations, delusions, agitation, and disorientation.

Delphi technique refers to a group performance method that involves repeated assessment of members’ opinions through surveys and questionnaires as opposed to face-to-face meetings.
Delta alcoholism refers to a drinking pattern characterized by an inability to abstain from alcohol.

Delta sleep refers to slow wave sleep, stages 3 and 4 of NREM sleep.