Glossary F

Ferritin refers to the iron-carrying molecule used as an index of whole-body iron status.

Fertility in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, and Recommendations

Fertility in the context of psychology pertains to the psychological factors, beliefs, and emotions related to reproductive health, family planning, and the desire for children. It encompasses a wide range of psychological experiences and influences that can significantly impact individuals and couples. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning and significance of fertility in psychology, provide examples to illustrate its various aspects, offer recommendations for addressing psychological challenges related to fertility, and discuss related psychological concepts that underscore the importance of understanding and addressing fertility issues.

Fertility awareness –based methods refer to contraceptive or family planning method that involves identifying a fertile period in a woman’s cycle and either avoiding intercourse or using contraception during this time.

Fertilization is defined as the union of two (2) gametes, which occurs when a haploid sperm and a haploid egg join to produce a diploid zygote, containing 46 chromosomes. Simply put, it is the penetration of an egg by a sperm.

Fescennine means obscene or scurrilous.

Festinating gait is defined as the rapid, shuffling gait characteristic of Parkinson's disease.

- Fetal alcohol effect (FAE) : Fetal alcohol effect (FAE) refers to a developmental disorder that involves the cognitive and behavioral deficits associated with Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), but without the physical stigmata of FAS.