Glossary F

Fetal viability refers to the maturational age at which the fetus can survive outside the uterus.

Fetish refers to a strong, recurrent sexual attraction to a non-living object.

Fetishism refers to long-term, recurring, intense sexually arousing urges, fantasies, or behavior involving the use of non-living, unusual objects, which cause distress or impairment in life functioning. Moreover, Fetishism is a Paraphilia in which the individual is preoccupied with an object and depends on this object rather than sexual intimacy with a partner for achieving sexual gratification.

Fetishist refers to a person who focuses intensely on an inanimate object or body part (the fetish) for the arousal of sexual desire.

Fetus refers to the unborn infant. Generally, refers to infants between 8 weeks of gestational age until birth. See embryo.

FFM is the abbreviations of Five-Factor model that refers to the comprehensive model of personality that comprises the dimensions of Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness as well as six (6) facets belonging to each dimension.

Deutsch: Fiasko / Français: Fiasco / Italiano: Fiasco

Fiasco means a complete failure.

Fibers which is also known as pathways or tracts refers to large collection of axons located in the central nervous system. Fibers is primarily composed of white matter.