Glossary F

- Feature-list models (of semantic memory) : Feature-list models (of semantic memory ) refer to Models of semantic memory that hold that language concepts or words can be defined in terms of lists of the characteristics or features they possess.

Feces is defined as any materials left over after digestion.

Fechner's law (p=k log (S)) refers to the logarithmic relation, developed by Fechner, of sensation to stimulus intensity: (p=k log (S))

Deutsch: Fäkalphilie / Español: Fecofilia / Português: Fecofilia / Français: Fécophilie / Italiano: Fecofilia /

Fecophilia which is also called Coprophilia refers to a psychiatric term that refers to morbid attraction to, and sexual interest in "fecal matter".

Federal Witness Protection Program refers to a program which was established under the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 that is designed to protect witnesses who testify in court by relocating them and assigning to them new identities.

Fee system is defined as a system used in some rural areas, in which the county government pays a modest amount of money for each prisoner per day as an operating budget.

Deutsch: Rückmeldung / Español: Retroalimentación / Português: Feedback / Français: Retour d'information / Italiano: Feedback /

Feedback refers to a nonjudgmental conversation that points out both positive and negative aspects of performance or positive and negative reactions to a person's behavior for the purpose of the individual's growth and understanding.

Feedback loop is defined as the section of a control system that allows for feedback and self -correction and that adjusts its operation according to differences between the actual output and the desired output. Moreover, Feedback loop refers to a system in which glands regulate each other's functioning through a series of hormonal messages.