Glossary F

Figureground segregation is defined as the perceptual separation of an object from its background.
Figurehead refers to a person who is head of a group in name only, having no authority or responsibility.
Figures is defined as the graphical presentations of data in the results sections of a research report

Deutsch: Filament / Español: Filamento / Português: Filamento / Français: Filament / Italiano: Filamento

Filament in the psychology context does not have a direct, established meaning as it does in fields like biology or materials science. In psychology, terms are generally focused on cognitive processes, behaviors, mental health disorders, and therapeutic techniques rather than physical objects like filaments. However, in a broader scientific context, including neurobiology, which overlaps with psychology, a filament could refer to fine, thread-like structures within cells, such as the neuronal cytoskeleton. The neuronal cytoskeleton includes microtubules, neurofilaments, and actin filaments, which are crucial for maintaining the structure of neurons, enabling their function, and supporting processes like axonal transport, which is essential for neurotransmission and, by extension, for cognitive and psychological functions.

File approach is defined as the gathering of biodata from employee files rather than by questionnaire.

Filial obligation refer to the responsibilities of adult children for their aging parents; grown children’s sense of responsibility to care for their aging parents if necessary. It is the feeling that as an adult child, one must care for ones's aging parents.

Filter theory refers to a theory of attention proposing that information that exceeds the capacity of a processor to process at any given time is blocked from further processing.

Final cause is a term which according to Aristotle is the purpose for which a thing exists.