Glossary F

First degree murder is defined as the criminal homicide which is planned or involves pre-meditation.

First harmonic. Please see Fundamental frequency.

Deutsch: Erster-Instinkt-Fehlschluss / Español: Falacia del primer instinto / Português: Falácia do primeiro instinto / Français: Fallacie de premier instinct / Italiano: Fallacia del primo istinto /

First instinct fallacy is defined as the false belief that it is better not to change one’s first answer on a test even if one starts to think a different answer is correct.

First Officer refers to the first police officer who responds to a crime scene

First stage of labor is defined as the period of the birth process lasting from the first regular uterine contractions until the cervix is fully dilated.
First-class lever refers to a lever in which the axis (Fulcrum) is between the force and the resistance, as in the extension of the elbow joint.

First-order change refers to a temporary change in the family system to solve a specific problem. First-order changes do not alter the basic system of the family.

First-signal system refer to those objects or events that become signals (CSs) for the occurrence of biologically significant events, such as when a tone signals the eventuality of food.