Glossary F

Flesch Index is defined as a method of determining the readability level of written material by analyzing average sentence length and the number of syllables per 100 words.

Flexibility describes changes in the size of the workforce, depending on short-term changes in market conditions. In tests of creativity, Flexibility is indicated by the number of different types of solutions produced.

Flexible approach or Hypothesis-testing approach is a term for a kind of approach when the Neuropsychologist selects the tests to be administered to each patient based on his or her hypotheses about the case and may even alter the administration of one or more tests.

Flexible hours refers to the part of a flextime schedule in which employees may choose which hours to work.

Flexion is defined as the movement of the bones toward each other at a joint by decreasing the angle, as in moving the hand toward the shoulder during elbow flexion.

Flexion response refers to the automatic response of jerking one’s hand or foot away from a hot or sharp object.
Flexitour is defined as a flextime schedule in which employees have flexibility in scheduling but must schedule their work hours at least a week in advance.

Flexor refers to a muscle that flexes a limb. Likewise, Flexors are muscle groups that cause flexion of limbs, that is, decrease the angle at a joint.