Glossary F

Flextime is defined as a work schedule that allows flexible starting and quitting times.

Flibbertigibbet refers to someone who is regarded as flighty, scatterbrained, and talkative.

Flicker fusion rate refer to rate that denotes the speed at which two (2) separate visual images appear to fuse visually into a single image.

Flight or Fight response is defined as the biological reaction to alarming stressors that musters the body’s resources, as in blood flow and respiration to resist (fight) or flee (flight) a threat.

Flooding refers to a form of exposure treatment, where the person is exposed to their phobic trigger until the anxiety attack passes.

Flooding (Implosive therapy ) is defined as a behavioral technique in which a client is intensively exposed to a feared object until the anxiety diminishes. It is a procedure for treating anxiety that involves prolonged and repeated exposure to the anxiety-provoking situation until the subject’s level of anxiety has diminished. Moreover, Flooding refers to prolonged in vivo or imagined exposure to stimuli that evoke high levels of anxiety, with no ability to avoid or escape the stimuli. Implosive therapy uses Flooding.

Flooding therapy is defined as a behavioral treatment for phobias that involves prolonged exposure to a feared stimulus, thereby providing maximal opportunity for the conditioned fear response to be extinguished.

Floor effect refers to the clustering of scores at the low end of a measurement scale, allowing little or no possibility of decreases in value. It is a type of range effect. Please see Scale attenuation effects