Glossary F

Floor Play Therapy refers to a therapy where skills such as speech, language and play are developed through floor-based play involving toys, games, activities, etc
Flourishing a term in which according to positive Psychologists is the state of being free from mental illness and also living an enthusiastic, meaningful, and effective life.

Flow chart refers to a model path for reaching a goal or solving a problem

Deutsch: Flow-Zustand / Español: Estado de Flujo / Português: Estado de Fluxo / Français: État de Flow / Italiano: Stato di Flusso

In the psychology context, flow state refers to a mental state in which a person is fully immersed in an activity, experiencing a deep sense of focus, engagement, and enjoyment. This concept was popularized by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. When in a flow state, individuals often lose track of time and are absorbed in the task at hand, leading to high levels of productivity and creativity.

Understanding Fluctuation in Psychology: Examples, Recommendations, and Similar Concepts

Fluctuation in Psychology:

In psychology, the term "fluctuation" refers to the natural and often temporary variations or changes in various psychological processes and states. These fluctuations can occur in emotions, behaviors, cognitive functioning, and other aspects of human psychology. Understanding fluctuation is essential in comprehending the dynamic nature of human psychology and behavior.

Fluency refers to the ability to read a text accurately and quickly.

Fluent aphasia refers to a disorder of speech in which the patient remains able to talk, but his or her speech makes no sense, usually sounding like some unknown foreign language. Please see Wernicke’s aphasia

Fluid abilities is a term used in Cattell's theory of intelligence that refers to intellectual abilities that are biologically determined and reflected in tests of memory span and spatial thinking. In contrast with Crystallized abilities.