Glossary F

Focal concerns refer to the key Values of any culture, and especially the key Values of a delinquent subculture.

Focal hand dystonia means (FHD) "musician’s cramp", refers to a condition in which the touch responses to one finger overlap those of another, leading to clumsiness, fatigue, and involuntary movements.

Deutsch: Fokus / Español: Enfoque / Português: Foco / Français: Focalisation / Italiano: Focalizzazione /

Focus is defined as the point in the brain where someone’s epileptic seizures begin.

Focus group refers to a group of subjects interviewed together, prompting a discussion. The technique is frequently used by market researchers, who ask a group of consumers to evaluate a product or discuss a type of commodity as an example

Focus of expansion (FOE) refers to the point in the flow pattern caused by observer movement in which there is no expansion. The Focus of expansion, according to J. J. Gibson, always remains centered on the observer’s destination.

Focus-execute attention is defined as the ability to respond and pick out the important elements or "figure" of attention from the "ground " or background of external and internal stimulation. Focus-execute attention also implies a measure of concentration or effortful processing.

Focused attention is attending to one information source, while disregarding other sources of information; a form of selective Attention involving the restriction of Attention to a sp

Focused attention stage refers to the stage of processing in feature integration theory in which the features are combined. This stage requires focused attention.