Frontal operculum means Broca's area.

The frontal operculum is a region of the brain located in the frontal lobe, near the top and front of the head. It is involved in a number of cognitive functions, including language, decision-making, and social interaction.

In the context of psychology, the frontal operculum is most often studied in the context of language and communication. For example, research has shown that the frontal operculum is involved in the production and comprehension of spoken language, and damage to this region can lead to language impairments such as difficulty speaking or understanding others.

The frontal operculum is also thought to play a role in other cognitive functions, such as attention, executive functioning (e.g., planning, problem-solving), and social cognition (e.g., understanding others' emotions, intentions, and perspectives).

Examples of studies that might involve the frontal operculum in psychology might include:

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