Deutsch: Zögern / Español: Vacilación / Português: Hesitação / Français: Hésitation / Italiano: Esitazione /

In the context of psychology, hesitation refers to a delay or uncertainty in making a decision or taking action. It is a common phenomenon that can occur in a variety of situations, such as problem-solving, decision-making, or social interactions.

Examples of hesitation in psychology include:

  • An individual who is unsure of what career path to take may hesitate to make a decision on what to study in college.
  • Someone who is deciding whether or not to leave an abusive relationship may hesitate because they are unsure of the consequences of leaving.
  • A person who is asked to give a public speech may hesitate before they start speaking due to fear of public speaking.
  • A student who is taking a test may hesitate before answering a question because they are unsure of the answer.

Hesitation can have negative consequences, such as anxiety, stress, and procrastination. It can also lead to missed opportunities, or even making poor decisions. In psychology, hesitation is often studied as a part of decision making, motivation, self-regulation, and emotional regulation. The study of hesitation and its underlying causes can help researchers and practitioners develop interventions to help individuals overcome hesitation and make more effective decisions.