Deutsch: Eingaben / Español: Entradas / Português: Insumos / Français: Entrées / Italiano: Input /

Inputs is a term used in Equity theory that refer to the elements that employees put into their jobs.

In psychology, the term "inputs" can refer to any information, stimuli, or experiences that are processed or perceived by an individual's senses. Inputs might include sights, sounds, touch, taste, or smell.

Inputs are an important concept in psychology because they form the basis of an individual's perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors. For example, an individual's perceptions and interpretations of the world around them are based on the inputs that they receive through their senses.

Inputs can also be used in psychology research to study the ways in which different types of stimuli or experiences influence an individual's cognition, emotion, or behavior. For example, a researcher might study the effects of different types of visual or auditory stimuli on an individual's memory or attention.

Overall, "inputs" in psychology refer to any information, stimuli, or experiences that are processed or perceived by an individual's senses, and they form the basis of an individual's perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors.

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