Job enlargment refers to a system in which employees are given more tasks to perform at the same time.

Job enlargement is a motivational strategy used in psychology and management that involves increasing the scope of an employee's job by adding more tasks and responsibilities to it. The aim is to make the job more satisfying and rewarding, as well as to improve employee performance and productivity.

Here are some examples of how job enlargement can be implemented:

  1. Horizontal expansion: This involves adding more tasks of similar difficulty and skill level to an employee's existing job. For example, a cashier in a retail store might also be given responsibilities such as stocking shelves or helping customers find products.

  2. Vertical expansion: This involves adding more complex and challenging tasks to an employee's existing job. For example, a customer service representative might be given additional responsibilities such as handling more complex customer inquiries or managing customer accounts.

  3. Rotation: This involves rotating employees through different job roles within an organization. For example, a marketing assistant might rotate through different departments such as social media, advertising, and public relations to gain more experience and knowledge.

  4. Enrichment: This involves adding more decision-making power and control to an employee's existing job. For example, a production line worker might be given more autonomy to make decisions about how to organize and optimize the workflow.

The benefits of job enlargement include increased job satisfaction, improved motivation, and increased employee engagement. By giving employees more control over their work and providing opportunities for growth and development, organizations can improve employee retention and productivity.