Glossary M

Morphine is defined as a derivative of opium best known as a potent pain-relieving medication

Morphological knowledge is defined as one’s knowledge of the meaning of Morphemes that make up words.

Morphology is a term in the study of language development that refers to the knowledge of word formation; the system of word-forming elements and processes in a language; rules governing the formation of meaningful words from sounds. .

Morris water maze task refers to the procedure in which a subject must find his/her way to a slightly submerged platform that is not visible in murky water or other opaque substance
Mortality refers to the number of deaths due to particular causes; number of deaths related to a specific cause; the relation of deaths to the population in which they occur.

- Mortality as a threat to internal validity : Mortality as a threat to internal validity refers to a difference in the dependent variable due to differential participant attrition from groups exposed to different levels of the independent variable.

Mosaic karyotypes refers to the presence of both structurally normal and abnormal female chromosomes that produces one form of Turner's syndrome.

Motherese is also referred to as Child-directed speech or Infant-directed speech which is the kind of speech that mothers and others produce when talking to infants and young children. It is characterized by an average higher pitch, a wider pitch range, longer pauses, and shorter phrases than speech addressed to adults.

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