Overlap refers to a period of simultaneous speech during the last word of a speaker's projected closing. Please see also Interruption.

In the psychology context, "overlap" can refer to the extent to which two or more psychological constructs or categories share common features or characteristics.

For example, in personality psychology, the "Big Five" personality traits (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) are thought to overlap to some extent with other personality traits or dimensions, such as emotional stability or impulsivity. In social psychology, different forms of discrimination (e.g., racial discrimination, gender discrimination, etc.) can overlap in terms of their underlying processes and effects on individuals and groups. In cognitive psychology, different cognitive processes (e.g., attention, perception, memory) can overlap in terms of the brain regions or neural networks involved.

The concept of overlap can also be applied to specific psychological measures or assessments. For instance, two different measures of depression may overlap in terms of the symptoms they assess, or two different measures of intelligence may overlap in terms of the cognitive abilities they measure.

Overall, the notion of overlap in psychology highlights the interconnectedness and complexity of different psychological constructs and phenomena, and underscores the importance of taking a holistic and integrative approach to understanding human behavior and experience.

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