Glossary M

Morality of cooperation consists of behavior based on mutual understanding between equals.
Morality of justice refers to Gilligan"s term for what she presumes to be the dominant moral orientation of males, focusing more on socially defined justice as administered through law than

Morals is defined as values that humans attribute to a system of beliefs that help the individual define right versus wrong or good versus bad. These typically get their authority from something outside the individual - a higher being (as in God) or higher authority, as in the government and society. Moreover, Morals is individual’s evaluation of what is right and wrong. Morals involve acceptance of rules and govern one’s behavior toward others; moral concepts, judgments and practices may vary from one society to another.

Moratorium is defined as an identity status that characterizes those who are actively exploring alternatives in an attempt to form an identity; identity status characterizing individuals who are currently experiencing an identity crisis and are actively exploring occupational and ideological positions in which to invest themselves .
Morbidity refer to the number of cases of a disease that exist at a given point in time; it may be expressed as the number of new cases (incidence) or as the total number of existing cases (prevalence ); the extent of injury, illness or disability in a defined population. It is usually expressed in general or specific rates of prevalence or incidence. Likewise, Morbidity refer to the various forms of physical and functional consequences and limitations that result from an illness; number of cases of a disease that exist at a given point in time.

Morgan's canon refers to the insistence that explanations of animal behavior be kept as simple as possible. One should never attribute higher mental activities to an animal if lower mental activities are adequate to explain its behavior.

Morganatic means of or relating to a marriage between two (2) people of different social ranks such that the spouse of lower rank and the children do not share the titles or possessions of the higher-ranking spouse.

Morning sickness is defined as the nausea and vomiting that some women have or experience when they become pregnant; typically caused by the increase in hormones. Morning sickness can occur at any point in the day, but most often in the morning, hence its name.

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