Glossary O
Glossary O
Outpatient surgery is a surgery performed in the hospital or doctor’s office, after which a patient is allowed to return home. Inpatient surgery requires hospitalization.
Outpatient treatment refers to the treatment where patients are not required to stay overnight at the facility.
Output interference is a term used in Fuzzy-trace theory that refers to response competition in the form of scheduling effects and feedback effects, produced by the act of making responses.
Outputs in Equity theory refer to what employees get from their jobs.
Outsourcing occurs when management invites external contractors to undertake work that was previously done by in-house staff.
Ova cryopreservation is defined as the freezing of ova for later use.
Oval window is the membrane of the inner ear, adjacent to the stirrup; the small, membrane-covered hole in the cochlea that receives vibrations from the stapes.