Glossary O
Glossary O
Overcorrection is defined as an aversive behavior modification technique that involves having a child practice a positive response that is incompatible with an inappropriate behavior.
Deutsch: Überfüllung / Español: Superpoblación / Português: Superlotação / Français: Surpeuplement / Italian: Sovraffollamento
Overcrowding in the psychology context refers to a situation where too many people occupy a given space, leading to a perception of discomfort, stress, and reduced quality of life. It is associated with feelings of being overwhelmed, loss of privacy, and a lack of control over one’s environment. Overcrowding can have significant psychological effects, influencing behavior, mental health, and social interactions.
Overemphasis in the psychology context refers to the act of giving excessive importance, attention, or focus to a particular aspect, idea, or behavior to the detriment of a more balanced or comprehensive perspective. It involves magnifying or exaggerating the significance of certain elements while downplaying or neglecting others. Overemphasis can have various psychological and behavioral implications, influencing decision-making, perceptions, and emotional well-being.