Glossary O

Overlearning means learning or practice that continues after initial mastery of a skill; learning or practice that continues after initial mastery of a skill; practicing a task even after it has been mastered in order to retain learning. Moreover, Overlearning means continued rehearsal of material after one has first appeared to have mastered it.

Overload refers to a principle of training describing the need to increase the load / intensity of exercise to cause a further adaptation of a system. Overload, moreover is defined as a psychological reaction to situations and experiences that are so cognitively, perceptually, or emotionally stimulating that they tax or even exceed the individual’s capacity to process incoming information.

Overly permissive parents are parents who give little guidance, allow too much freedom, or do not require the child to take responsibility.

Overmatching refers to a deviation from matching in which the proportion of responses on the richer schedule versus poorer schedule is more different than would be predicted by matching.

Deutsch: Überbehütung / Español: Sobreprotección / Português: Superproteção / Français: Surprotection / Italiano: Sovraprotezione

In the psychology context, overprotection refers to a behavioral pattern in which a caregiver, often a parent, excessively shields their child from potential risks, failures, or challenges, more than is developmentally appropriate or necessary. This behavior can limit the child's ability to develop independence, resilience, problem-solving skills, and confidence in their own abilities. Overprotection is often rooted in the caregiver's anxiety or fear about the child's safety and well-being, but it can lead to unintended negative consequences for the child's emotional and psychological development.

Overregularization refers to the overgeneralization of grammatical rules to irregular cases where the rules do not apply which occurs when individuals apply the general rules of language to the exceptional cases that vary from the norm, such as saying mouses rather than mice and pluralizing foot as foots

Overshadowing refers to the phenomenon whereby the most salient member of a compound stimulus is more readily conditioned as a CS and thereby interferes with conditioning of the least salient member.

Deutsch: Offene Aggression / Español: Agresión Manifiesta / Português: Agressão Explícita / Français: Agression Overt / Italiano: Aggressione Manifesta

Overt aggression in the psychology context refers to aggressive behaviors that are openly displayed and directed towards others or objects. This form of aggression is explicit, visible, and often involves physical actions or verbal expressions intended to harm or intimidate another person. Overt aggression contrasts with covert aggression, where harmful behaviors are more hidden or subtle, such as gossiping or exclusion. Understanding overt aggression is crucial in psychology for diagnosing, treating, and managing aggressive behaviors in various settings, including schools, workplaces, and therapeutic environments.

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