Glossary O
Glossary O
Ova cryopreservation is defined as the freezing of ova for later use.
Oval window is the membrane of the inner ear, adjacent to the stirrup; the small, membrane-covered hole in the cochlea that receives vibrations from the stapes.
Ovaries are female gonads that produce eggs; female gonads that produce ova and sex hormones
Over-regularisation when using a grammatical rule in situations in which it does not apply.
Deutsch: Übermäßige Abhängigkeit / Español: Dependencia excesiva / Português: Dependência excessiva / Français: Dépendance excessive / Italiano: Dipendenza eccessiva
Over-reliance in psychology refers to an excessive dependence on a person, object, habit, or process to the extent that it can lead to negative consequences for an individual's emotional or functional well-being. This pattern often develops as a coping mechanism but can become maladaptive when it inhibits personal growth, reduces resilience, or disrupts normal functioning.
Over-the-counter drugs refer to drugs that can be obtained legally without medical prescription