Glossary P

Pure Phenomenology refers to the type of Phenomenology proposed by Husserl, the purpose of which was to create a taxonomy of the mind. Husserl believed that before a science of Psychology would be possible, we would first need to understand the essences of those mental processes in terms of which we understand and respond to the world. Pure Phenomenology is likewise, the methodology proposed by Husserl to discover the essence of those mental acts and processes by which we gain all knowledge.

Pure research is a research undertaken simply for the sake of advancing scientific knowledge.

Pure tone is a tone with pressure changes that can be described by a single sine wave.

Pure word deafness refers to an Aphasia in which a person is unable to comprehend language in the auditory modality. Comprehension of visual language and production in both modalities are normal.

Purge means to eliminate food through unnatural methods , such as vomiting or the excessive use of laxatives.

Purging refers to a type of bulimia nervosa in which bingeing is followed by the use of self -induced vomiting or purging medications to control weight gain. Moreover, Purging is a behavior aimed at ridding the body of consumed food, including self-induced vomiting and the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas. (see Compensatory behavior)

purging technique is a term in the eating disorder bulimia nervosa which refers to the self -induced vomiting or laxative abuse used to compensate for excessive food ingestion.

Purging type refers to a form of bulimia nervosa in which individuals force out of their bodies what they have just eaten.

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