Glossary P

Pubic lice refers to a parasitic STI that infests the pubic hair and can be transmitted through sexual contact. Tiny lice that attach themselves to the base of pubic hairs and cause itching. It is also also called Crabs or Pediculosis pubis.

Public compliance means conforming to other people's behavior publicly, without necessarily believing in what we are doing or saying. Public compliance is outwardly going along with the group but maintaining a private, inner belief that the group is wrong

Public conformity means going along with the crowd outwardly, regardless of what one privately believes
Public distance refers to the distance at which formal interactions, such as giving a speech, occur about 12 feet or more from the body.
Public distance zone refers to the distance greater than 12 feet from a person that is typical of the interpersonal space allowed for social interactions such as large group lectures or public speech.

Public employment agencies is defined as an employment service operated by a state or local government, designed to match applicants with job openings.

Public goods dilemma refers to a social dilemma in which individuals must decide how much of their own resources they will donate to a public project; social dilemma where one may not contribute any resources in support of a public good, like public park or a highway system, but also cannot be excluded for failing to contribute

Public health refers to the science of dealing with the protection and improvement of community health by organised community effort.

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