Glossary P

Punctuated equilibrium model refers to a group development theory that assumes groups change gradually over time but that the periods of slow growth are punctuated by brief periods of relatively rapid change.

Punctuation is the concept that each person in a transaction believes what he/she says is caused by what the other person says. Basically the individual holds the other responsible for his/her reactions.
Punisher refers to a stimulus that decreases the probability of the response that produces it.

Punishment is when an aversive consequence follows a behaviour and therefore decreases the probability of that behaviour occurring again.

Punitiveness refers to the belief that people should be harshly punished for their mistakes or shortcomings.

Pupil is the opening in the center of the iris through which light enters; opening at the eye through which light passes.

Pure autonomic failure refers to a condition in which output from the autonomic nervous system to the body fails

Pure insertion is the assumption that a mental module can be added or deleted without altering the processing duration of other modules.

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