Passive rehearsal refers to a style of rehearsing in which a person includes few, often one unique items per rehearsal set. Passive rehearsal is contrast with Cumulative rehearsal.

Passive rehearsal is a cognitive process that involves repeatedly exposing oneself to information without actively attempting to encode or process it. It is a relatively passive form of learning that involves simply reviewing or repeating information without actively engaging with it.

Here are some examples of passive rehearsal:

  • Re-reading a textbook chapter or notes without actively attempting to summarize or engage with the material
  • Listening to a lecture or audio recording without actively taking notes or processing the information
  • Watching a video or demonstration without actively attempting to recall or apply the information
  • Looking at flashcards without attempting to actively recall or apply the information

Passive rehearsal can be useful in some circumstances, such as when attempting to familiarize oneself with basic information or concepts. However, it is generally less effective than active learning strategies that involve more active processing and engagement with the material. Some studies have suggested that active learning strategies, such as summarizing, questioning, and applying information, may be more effective in promoting long-term retention and understanding of information.

It is also worth noting that passive rehearsal may be less effective for individuals with certain learning styles or cognitive abilities. For example, individuals with ADHD or other attentional difficulties may have difficulty maintaining focus during passive learning activities and may benefit more from active learning strategies that promote engagement and participation.