Deutsch: Anteil korrekter Entscheidungen / Español: Proporción de decisiones correctas / Português: Proporção de decisões corretas / Français: Proportion de décisions correctes / Italiano: Proporzione di decisioni corrette /

Proportion of correct decisions refers to a utility method that compares the percentage of times a selection decision was accurate with the percentage of successful employees.

Proportion of correct decisions is a term used in psychology to describe the percentage of correct decisions made in a task or experiment. It is a common measure of performance accuracy and is often used to evaluate decision-making abilities in various domains, such as perception, cognition, and social behavior.

For example, in a perception task, participants might be asked to identify whether an image contains a specific object or not, and the proportion of correct decisions would be the percentage of times they correctly identified the object. In a social behavior task, participants might be asked to judge whether a facial expression is happy or sad, and the proportion of correct decisions would be the percentage of times they correctly identified the expression.

Proportion of correct decisions is also used in clinical assessments to measure cognitive functioning, memory, attention, and executive functioning. In these assessments, participants are typically presented with a series of tasks, and the proportion of correct decisions is used to assess their abilities and identify any deficits.

It is important to note that proportion of correct decisions alone may not provide a complete understanding of performance, and other measures such as response time and confidence ratings should also be considered in evaluating decision-making abilities.