Polytomous format refers to a format for Objective tests in which three (3) or more alternative responses are given for each item. Polytomous format is popular for multiple-choice examinations. Polytomous format is also called Polychotomous format.

In the field of psychology, a polytomous format refers to a type of response format used in questionnaires, surveys, and tests, where participants are asked to choose from more than two response options. This is in contrast to a dichotomous format, where participants are given only two response options.

Examples of polytomous format questions include:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree," how much do you agree with the following statement: "I enjoy spending time with friends and family."

  2. What is your current level of education? a. High school diploma or less b. Some college c. Bachelor's degree d. Master's degree or higher

  3. How frequently do you engage in physical activity each week? a. Never b. 1-2 days per week c. 3-4 days per week d. 5 or more days per week

  4. How often do you experience symptoms of anxiety? a. Never b. Rarely c. Occasionally d. Frequently e. Almost always

Polytomous format questions allow for greater precision in measuring attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. They can also provide more information than dichotomous questions, which may not capture the complexity of the responses. However, they can also be more difficult for participants to answer and may require more time to analyze the data.

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