Supportive services are given byt hose which maintain the health, education, and welfare of society.

Supportive services are a type of care that is provided to people with mental health issues to help them improve their functioning and quality of life. Supportive services may include a wide range of activities, such as counseling, rehabilitation, support groups, case management, and crisis intervention.

Supportive services are typically provided by mental health professionals or trained volunteers, and may be delivered in a variety of settings, such as private practices, hospitals, clinics, or community centers. They may be provided on a one-time or ongoing basis, depending on the needs of the individual.

The goal of supportive services is to provide people with the tools and resources they need to manage their mental health conditions and improve their overall functioning and well-being. They can be an important part of a comprehensive care plan and can help people with mental health issues to live fulfilling and meaningful lives.

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