Deutsch: Spaltung / Español: Cisma / Português: Cisma / Français: Schisme / Italiano: Scisma /

In psychology, "schism" refers to a significant division, conflict, or rift within an individual's psyche or between different aspects of their personality. It represents a state of inner discord or fragmentation, where conflicting thoughts, emotions, or beliefs create a sense of disunity and psychological distress. Schism can manifest in various forms, leading to inner turmoil and challenging interpersonal relationships. In this article, we will explore the concept of schism in psychology, provide examples, discuss potential risks and application areas, offer recommendations for addressing and healing schism, and briefly touch upon historical and legal perspectives. Finally, we will list some similar psychological concepts.

Examples of Schism in Psychology

  1. Inner Conflict: An individual may experience a schism when conflicting desires or values clash within their psyche. For example, a person may feel torn between pursuing a stable career and following their creative passion.

  2. Dissociation: Dissociative disorders, such as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), involve the presence of distinct identities or personality states within one individual, representing a profound schism in their sense of self.

  3. Moral Dilemmas: Moral or ethical dilemmas can create schisms when a person grapples with opposing moral principles or values, leading to feelings of guilt or inner turmoil.

Risks and Application Areas

  • Mental Health Implications: Untreated schism can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, identity crises, and dissociative disorders.

  • Interpersonal Conflicts: Schism can spill over into interpersonal relationships, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings when others perceive inconsistencies in an individual's behavior.

  • Therapeutic Context: In therapy, addressing and resolving schisms is a crucial aspect of helping individuals achieve greater psychological integration and well-being.

Recommendations for Addressing and Healing Schism

  1. Self-Exploration: Encourage individuals to engage in self-reflection and introspection to identify the sources of inner conflict or schism. Journaling and therapy can facilitate this process.

  2. Therapeutic Support: Seek professional help from therapists or counselors who can assist in exploring the roots of schism, resolving inner conflicts, and fostering psychological integration.

  3. Mindfulness and Acceptance: Mindfulness practices can help individuals observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, allowing for greater self-acceptance and understanding.

  4. Value Clarification: Engage in value clarification exercises to identify and prioritize core values, which can guide decision-making and reduce inner conflicts.

Historical and Legal Perspectives

Historically, the concept of schism in psychology can be traced back to the early theories of Sigmund Freud, who explored the idea of inner conflict and the unconscious mind. Freud's work laid the foundation for the understanding of psychological schisms and the importance of resolving inner conflicts.

From a legal perspective, the concept of schism primarily pertains to mental health treatment and the ethical obligations of mental health professionals. Therapists are required to adhere to legal and ethical standards when addressing schism in their clients, ensuring the well-being and autonomy of individuals under their care.

Similar Psychological Concepts

  1. Cognitive Dissonance: Cognitive dissonance refers to the discomfort or tension that arises when an individual holds conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or values. Resolving cognitive dissonance is akin to healing an intellectual schism.

  2. Identity Crisis: An identity crisis occurs when an individual experiences confusion or uncertainty about their self-concept or identity. It can be a form of psychological schism related to one's sense of self.

  3. Inner Child Work: Inner child work is a therapeutic approach that involves addressing and healing unresolved issues and conflicts from one's childhood, often related to schisms in early experiences.

  4. Existential Dilemmas: Existential dilemmas involve grappling with questions about the meaning of life, freedom, and personal responsibility. These dilemmas can lead to inner schisms as individuals seek to find purpose and values in life.

Articles with 'Schism' in the title

  • Marital schism: Marital schism is defined as a situation in which one parent tries to undermine the worth of another by competing for sympathy or support from the children


In psychology, schism represents a significant inner division, conflict, or rift within an individual's psyche or between different aspects of their personality. It can manifest as inner conflict, dissociation, or moral dilemmas, leading to mental health issues and interpersonal conflicts. Addressing and healing schism involves self-exploration, therapeutic support, mindfulness, and value clarification. Historically, the concept of schism has roots in early psychoanalytic theories, and from a legal perspective, it relates to mental health treatment ethics. Similar psychological concepts include cognitive dissonance, identity crisis, inner child work, and existential dilemmas. Resolving schism is essential for achieving greater psychological integration and well-being, fostering a sense of inner harmony and self-understanding.