Glossary A

Augmenting Principle is a term used to refer to the tendency to attach greater importance to a potential cause of Behavior if the Behavior occurs despite the presence of other, inhibitory causes.

Moreover, Augmenting Principle is a term used when making attributions, people tend to decide that behavior must be due to a dispositional cause when a person behaves in a manner that is inconsistent with the requirements of the situation.

Auguste Ambroise Liebeault (1823 to 1904) refers to the founder of the Nancy school of hypnotism.

- Auguste Comte (1798-1857) : Auguste Comte refers to the founder of Positivism and coiner of the term Sociology. He felt that cultures passed through three stages in the way they explained phenomena: the theological, the metaphysical, and the scientific.

Authentic assessment refers to evaluation based on real performance, rather than test performance, showing mastery of a task

Authentic dissent a technique of improving the quality of Group decisions in which one or more Group members actively disagree with the group's initial preference without being assigned this

Authenticity (Erikson) Ritualization characterizing the third stage of development. This involves playful role authenticity (May)

Author refers to the person or persons responsible for a technical paper; a literature search via an author's name can be profitable source of additional references.

Author note refers to the section of a research report that provides details about the authors.