Glossary A
Glossary A
Authoritarian parenting is parenting style where parents show high levels of control and low levels of warmth toward their children.
Authoritarian parents refer to parents who make arbitrary rules, expect unquestioned obedience from their children, punish transgressions, and value obedience to authority, parents who demonstrate high parental control and low parental warmth when interacting with their children.
- Authoritarian personality : Authoritarian personality refers to a cluster of personal attributes (e.g., submission to persons above and harshness to those below) and social attitudes (e.g., prejudice against minority groups) that is sometimes held to constitute a distinct personality.
Authoritative instruction refers to a warm but controlling style of instruction in which the teacher makes many demands but also allows some autonomy and individual expression as long as students are staying within the guidelines that the teacher has set
Authoritative parents refer to parents who set high but realistic standards, reason with the child, enforce limits, and encourage open communication and independence.
Authoritative-reciprocal pattern refers to a pattern of child rearing in which parents exercise considerable power but also respond to the child's point of view and reasonable demands.
Authoritism refers to ritualism that can occur during Erikson’s seventh stage of development.