Glossary B

Belief component refers to what a person thinks or believes about the object of an attitude.

Belief in a just world refers to a form of defensive attribution wherein people assume that bad things happen to bad people and that good things happen to good people

Belief perseverance refers to the tendency to cling to one's initial belief even after receiving newinformation which contradicts or disconfirms the basis of that belief.

Belief perseverance refers to the finding that once beliefs are formed, they are resistant to change, even if the information on which they are based is discredited

- Belief perseverance effect : Belief perseverance effect refers to the tendency for people to cling to their beliefs even after they learn that the evidence underlying these beliefs is flawed.

Belief-bias effect refers to a situation that occurs when a person's prior knowledge, attitudes, or values distort the reasoning process by influencing the person to accept invalid arguments.

Belief-desire reasoning refers to the process whereby we explain and predict what people do based on what we understand their desires and beliefs to be.

Belief-desire theory refers to the theory of mind that develops between ages 3 and 4 wherein the child now realizes that both beliefs and desires may determine behavior and that people will usually act on their beliefs, even if they are inaccurate