Communion defined as the commitment to and consideration for the well-being of others.

In the psychological context, communion refers to a personality trait that reflects a person's tendency to be empathetic, cooperative, and concerned for others. It is also known as agreeableness and is one of the five traits of the Five Factor Model of Personality.

People who score high on the communion trait tend to be warm, friendly, and compassionate. They are often good listeners and are able to empathize with others. They are also cooperative, preferring to work with others towards a common goal rather than competing with them. On the other hand, people who score low on the communion trait may be more aggressive, self-centered, and less concerned about the needs and feelings of others.

Examples of behaviors associated with high levels of communion include volunteering at a local shelter, helping a friend in need, and showing concern for a stranger who appears to be in distress. On the other hand, behaviors associated with low levels of communion may include bullying others, putting one's own interests above others, and lacking empathy for others' feelings.

It is important to note that personality traits such as communion are not fixed and can change over time as a result of life experiences and environmental factors.

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