Glossary D

Dynamometer is defined as adevice used to measure force production, for example, used in the measurement of muscular strength.

Dysarthria refers to a specific motor Apraxia involving the vocal musculature. People with Dysarthria differ from pure Aphasiacs, although the two (2) conditions may occur together, some patients know what they want to say but are unable to formulate words because of a problem with motor control.

Dyscalculia is defined as a disorder of mathematics involving impaired ability to comprehend number concepts, spatially orient numbers, reason mathematically, or perform mathematical operations.

Dysesthesia means any impairment of the senses, especially of the sense of touch. It also refers to a condition in which light physical contact of the skin causes pain.

Dysfunction refers to any disturbance in the function of an organ or body part. It also means abnormal function or difficult function, as in sexual dysfunction, and psychosexual dysfunction, among many others.

Dysfunctional attitudes refer to personal rules or Values people hold that interfere with adequate adjustment.

Dysfunctional conflict is defined as conflict that keeps people from working together, lessens productivity, spreads to other areas, or increases turnover.
Dysfunctional thought record refers to record completed by the client and provides the client and therapist with a record of the client's automatic thoughts that are related to Dysphoria or Depression.