Glossary E

Ethanol refers to the variety of alcohol used in beverages.

Deutsch: Ethisch belastete Bereiche / Español: Puntos éticos sensibles / Português: Pontos éticos sensíveis / Français: Points éthiques sensibles / Italiano: Punti etici sensibili /

Ethical "hot spots” is defined as ethical issues that have been particularly focused upon over the recent years and addressed in varying professional codes of ethics. These includes: confidentiality, competence, dual relationships and conflicts of interest, inappropriate fee assessment, informed consent, misrepresentation of credentials, and sexual relationships with clients.

Ethical Behavior Choosing actions that are "right" and "proper" and "just." Our behavior can be right or wrong, it can be proper or improper, and the decisions we make can be fair or unfair.

Deutsch: Ethische Kongruenz / Español: Congruencia Ética / Português: Congruência Ética / Français: Conformité Éthique / Italiano: Congruenza Etica /

Ethical congruence refers to a situation where one's decision is consistent with, aligns with, the applicable set(s) of values.

Ethical difference refers to the situations in which two people agree on a particular value and disagree as to the action to be taken or decision to be made.

Ethical Dilemmas is defined as situations that require ethical judgment calls. Usually, there is more than one right answer and no win-win solution in which people get everything they want.

Ethical Fitness means keeping people in moral and mental shape to recognize and address ethical dilemmas, as well as possessing global values recognized to be love, truth, freedom, fairness, unity, tolerance, responsibility and respect for life.

Ethical issues is defined as a variety of problems concerning the treatment of research participants, such as deception, informed consent, and the humane treatment of animal subjects