Glossary E

Evaluative conditioning is defined as a process by which objects come to evoke positive or negative affect simply by their association with affect-inducing events

Evaluative statement is defined as a statement in interviewing that judges or evaluates.
Evaporation is defined as the change of water from a liquid form to a vapor form which results in the removal of heat. Evaporation is one way our bodies maintain a normal temperature, in which perspiration reduces excess heat.

Deutsch: Ereignis / Español: Evento / Português: Evento / Français: Événement / Italiano: Evento /

In psychology, an event refers to any occurrence or experience that an individual may have. Events can be both internal (e.g., thoughts, emotions, memories) and external (e.g., interactions with others, events in the environment).

Event sampling refers to a technique used to record observations of a certain selected behavior, such as intelligence

Event memory refers to a long-term memory for events; memory for everyday events, a form of Episodic memory.

Event recording means recording of clients responses by the therapists when he /she see an instance of the behavior. Therapists use this method when the instances of the behavior are regular or uniform.

Event sampling refers to a technique of behavioral observation that involves observing and recording one specific event or behavior during the first interval, then shifting to a different event or behavior during the second interval, and so on for the full series of intervals.