Deutsch: Ethische Kongruenz / Español: Congruencia Ética / Português: Congruência Ética / Français: Conformité Éthique / Italiano: Congruenza Etica /

Ethical congruence refers to a situation where one's decision is consistent with, aligns with, the applicable set(s) of values.

In the psychology context, ethical congruence refers to the alignment between a psychologist's personal values and professional ethical standards. This concept emphasizes the importance of psychologists recognizing and addressing any potential conflicts that may arise between their personal values and the ethical standards of their profession.

Ethical congruence is an essential component of ethical decision-making and practice in psychology. Psychologists are expected to adhere to a set of ethical principles and standards set forth by professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Examples of ethical congruence include a psychologist who is committed to the principle of respect for autonomy in their personal life, and who also upholds this principle when working with clients. Another example might be a psychologist who values social justice and actively seeks to incorporate this value into their professional work by advocating for marginalized groups and addressing social inequalities.

Psychologists who prioritize ethical congruence strive to integrate their personal values and beliefs with their professional ethical standards, while also remaining aware of potential biases and conflicts of interest. By maintaining ethical congruence, psychologists can provide effective and ethical services to their clients, while also promoting the integrity and credibility of the profession.

Other /More definition:
Ethical Congruence refers to a situation where one's decision is consistent with, aligns with, the applicable set(s) of values. Under these circumstances, a choice to take some action will harmonize with the decision-maker's values. The organizational state where values, behaviors and perceptions are aligned.