Introvert refers to a person whose attention is focused inward; a shy, reserved, self -centered person.

In psychology, an "introvert" is an individual who tends to be more inwardly focused and more reserved in social situations. Introverts often prefer solitary activities and may feel drained after prolonged social interaction. Here are a few examples of how "introvert" might be used in the field of psychology:

  1. The introvert-extravert personality dimension: In psychology, introversion and extraversion are often considered to be opposite ends of a personality dimension, with introverts being more inwardly focused and extraverts being more outwardly focused.

  2. The influence of introversion on behavior: Introverts may be more likely to engage in solitary activities, such as reading or writing, and may feel drained after prolonged social interaction. They may also be more reflective and less likely to seek out social attention.

  3. The influence of introversion on cognition: Introverts may be more sensitive to external stimuli, such as noise or chaos, and may prefer a more structured or predictable environment. They may also be more likely to process information internally and may be more reflective in their thinking.

  4. The influence of introversion on mental health: Introverts may be more prone to certain mental health issues, such as social anxiety or depression, but they may also have certain strengths, such as independence and self-reflection.

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