Glossary M

Memoing means writing memos (memorandums) that become part of the data for analysis in qualitative research such as Grounded theory. Memos/Memorandums can describe and define concepts, deal with methodological issues, or offer initial theoretical formulations.

Memorial activities are activities intended to commemorate the life or legacy of someone who has died; formal services to mark a death and celebrate a life without the presence of a body; may be held several weeks after a death. Memorial activities need not follow any prescribed format

Deutsch: Gedächtnis / Español: Memoria / Português: Memória / Français: Mémoire / Italiano: Memoria /

Memory is defined as the mental system for receiving, encoding , storing, organizing, altering, and retrieving information.

Memory color is the idea that an object’s characteristic color influences our perception of that object’s color.

Memory consolidation refers to the biochemical process/processes by which neural synaptic connections are strengthened or weakened.

In the psychology context, memory construction refers to the process by which the brain encodes, stores, and retrieves information to create memories. This process highlights the active nature of memory, suggesting that memories are not simply recorded and stored as exact replicas of experiences but are instead constructed and reconstructed based on various influences, including prior knowledge, emotions, and social context. Memory construction involves both the initial creation of a memory (encoding and storage) and the later recollection or reconstruction of the memory when needed (retrieval).

Memory cue is defined as any stimulus associated with a particular memory. Memory cues often enhance retrieval.

Memory decay refers to the fading or weakening of memories assumed to occur when memory traces become weaker.

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