English: Musterbation / Deutsch: Musterbefriedigung / Español: Musturbación / Português: Masturbação / Français: Masturbation mentale / Italiano: Masturbazione

Musterbation refers to Albert Ellis’s phrase to characterize the behavior of clients who are inflexible and absolutistic in their thinking, maintaining that they must not fail or that they must have their way.

"Musterbation" is a term coined by psychologist Albert Ellis to describe a type of irrational thinking that involves rigid and unrealistic expectations for oneself or others.

Here are some examples of how "musterbation" can manifest in the psychology context:

  1. Personal expectations: An individual may engage in "musterbation" when they hold themselves to rigid and unrealistic standards. For example, an individual may believe that they "must" always be perfect in their work, relationships, or other areas of their life, even if this standard is unrealistic or impossible to meet.

  2. Expectations for others: "Musterbation" can also involve placing rigid and unrealistic expectations on others. For example, an individual may believe that their partner "must" always be attentive, supportive, and understanding, even if this expectation is unrealistic or unfair.

  3. Frustration and disappointment: When individuals engage in "musterbation," they may experience feelings of frustration and disappointment when their expectations are not met. This can lead to feelings of anger, resentment, or self-blame.

  4. Relationship difficulties: "Musterbation" can also contribute to relationship difficulties. For example, if an individual holds rigid and unrealistic expectations for their partner, this may lead to conflict and resentment in the relationship.

Overall, "musterbation" highlights the importance of maintaining realistic and flexible expectations for oneself and others in order to promote mental health and positive relationships. By recognizing and challenging these types of irrational thoughts, individuals can develop more realistic and helpful ways of thinking that promote well-being and resilience.

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