Glossary O

Ovulation means the releasing of an ovum from an ovary.

Ovum is an egg; the female germ cell.

Own-race bias is the tendency for people to more accurately recognize faces of their own race. Moreover, Own-race bias is the finding that people are better at recognizing faces of their own race than of other races

Deutsch: Eigen-geschlechtsschema / Español: Esquema de propio sexo / Português: Esquema do próprio sexo / Français: Schéma de sexe propre / Italiano: Schema di sesso proprio /

Own-sex schema refer to detailed knowledge or plans of action that enable a person to perform gender-consistent activities and to enact his/her gender role.

Ownness effect refers to the tendency of parents in complex step-parent homes to favor and be more involved with their biological children than with their step-children

Oxygen debt is defined as the elevated post-exercise oxygen consumption (see EPOC); related to replacement of creatine phosphate, lactic acid resynthesis to glucose, and elevated body temperature, catecholamines, heart rate, breathing, etc.

Oxygen deficit refers to the lag in oxygen uptake at the beginning of exercise.
Oxyhemoglobin is hemoglobin combined with oxygen; 1.34 ml of oxygen can combine with 1 g Hb.